Er is geen tijd. Of is er niets dan tijd?
The last sentences from the poem Eb by M. Vasalis (Margaretha Droogleever Fortuyn-Leenmans) is a series of six life-size charcoal drawings.
teken de tijd
The poem inspired me to think about a spatial work, which has taken shape in the installation teken de tijd in which six generations of women are shown. Especially for the exhibition eb (July 26 - October 25 2020) at Museum Schokland, the Netherlands. these six life-size rear views of women are printed on white sheets hanging on a clothesline. The clothesline is the place where the relation to time expresses and shows itself. Women of different ages on white sheets waving on a clothesline. Six generations of women become visible in low tide. The low- and high tide cycle manifests itself in drying of the laundry. eb is a temporary condition in which we find ourselves again, but is there progress in that cycle? As time goes on she seems to stand still.